Monday, November 29, 2010

blog 4

My final project incorporates the big ideas of Dreams and Reality.  I wanted my project to show the reality of dreaming.  I used two photo shop documents to show one good dream, and one nightmare.  In the good dream, the world that surrounds the sleeping person is bright and beautiful. The setting is a nice lake with trees and plants.  There is also a butterfly and some very tranquil soft lighting.  However, only the girl’s mind can see this as it’s going on; the more transparent girl represents the mind.  I used this to show how the mind is experiencing this beautiful scenery while the body is asleep and unaffected by the dream.  In the second photo shop document u can see that the girl is in the middle of a nightmare.  The lake is now red and dark; the butterfly is no longer there and u see a dark bulldozer ready for destruction.  You can see the more transparent girl (the mind) is devastated, frustrated, and restless.  However, using irony, you see the body of the girl still unaware, at rest, and unaffected.  In general my two art pieces for my final were meant to show how no matter what your mind is seeing or feeling or thinking in your dream, in reality, your body is in the same place, still asleep, and the reality of the real world around you has not changed at all.  However, maybe after the dream, your mind will have a new perspective on life, while your body and the world turning around you stayed the same. 

Some references that inspired me to use the Big Idea of Dreams were:

1.  The artwork of Rosie Hardy.  She uses her own photos in her work to display ideas and feelings. I noticed one of her pieces which intrigued me because it represented the ideas of sleeping and dreaming.

2.  Band of Horses' song: is there a ghost.  I was inspired by this song because it reminded me of the big idea that I was interested in, sleeping and dreaming.  It basically spurred my imagination into thinking of dreams as a Big Idea. 

3. Jason Mraz's song: sleeping to dream.  This song really captured my attention because the song describes a mans struggle between the realities of his life, and the relief he finds from within his dreams. 

I am also trying to incorporate layer masks into my project as well as the use of the liquify tool since I am shakey with both of those tools I would just like to practice with them and see how they can really develop and change the substance of my art. 

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