Wednesday, November 3, 2010





            For my midterm project, my Big Idea was Freedom of the Mind.  I have always felt that to truly find freedom, one has to find self-acceptance.  Without freeing yourself, your thoughts, your actions, and your being; a person can never feel true freedom.  In my project I wanted to show how if a person does not set their mind free, their whole outlook on the world is changed possibly by using colors.  Their viewpoints and perspectives will be skewed (whether good or bad) based on their level of self-acceptance.  I also wanted to show the journey it takes to get to a point of untouched freedom.  I wanted to show the escape from barriers and walls to a world of inner peace by using symbols and space.  An inspiration for my Big Idea was my favorite quote by Bob Marley, “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.” This Big Idea and midterm assignment is important to me in general because it deals with a subject that I do feel very strongly about and have come to know on a personal level.

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