Monday, October 11, 2010


BIRDS: birds represent freedom to many people, probably because birds can experience flight. In this image, the birds are flying up and out into the sky. We do not know where they are going or what they are intending to do, because they are free. One bird is still on the rocks, about to fly off, this shows that they can take their time and decide when to take off. The birds are flying to wherever they want to go with no road signs or stop lights. The birds are also all black sillouhettes, this may show that it doesn't matter what they look like, male or female, young or old, ugly or perfect, they are still all capable of flying and freedom. 

ESCAPE: This landscape represents freedom.  The idea of nature brings people to the idea of freedom often, this is because nature, when left alone, grows where and how it wants to.  The restrictions of life in nature are very minimal. There are no laws or rules to what a tree can do with its branches and leaves. Looking out on this setting makes people feel as though they can escape from their reality and enjoy what the world is truly made of and what it is supposed to be.

CHOICE: Freedom also represents choice. When u have freedom, physical and mental freedom, a person can choose exactly what they want to do. This picture shows a girl who has climbed up as high as she could to reach a certain key. She could have chosen any of the other keys on all of the other moons, but she had the freedom to choose the one she decided upon. Freedom seems to fall hand in hand with choice. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

an artist through the world of computers

Denotation: Schwartz used the works of Leonardo Da Vinci in art with computers. She used a 3D computer-model to show how the lines on the Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan match the lines of Leonardo's painting of the Lat Supper
Connotation: Suspected that Leonardo had done both pieces of artwork as self portraits. Theory not proven.

Denotation: Lillian has experimented with collages, such as her works of Statue of Liberty and Homage to Van Gogh
Connotation: Using images on top of one another to form a whole new image in the mind.
